anw jus use classblog to do some publicity.

Featuring RIC (member of 梦飞船 and The Lilac Saints), Joanna Dong (Lead in If There're Season as Rose), Sugie (绝对superstar and 星光3), Celine Rosa Tan (singer of NDP08 "one people, one nation, one singapore") and Huang Wenhong (Yes 1003 morning DJ "不给一口叮"). Music compose by Eric Ng (881 Movie) and lyrics by award-winning lyricist Xiaohan 小寒.
ok, it is a rock chinese musical(WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES) by thetheatre parctice, premier since last friday till the 18th april. i think some of u guys have watched 天冷就回来 during sec4 or last year. well if u r a fan of it, this must b your cup of tea!
i will b honest n say it wont b as WOW like european or american musical, but if u like some humour, romance, fancy costume and soft rock than come and support us! (yup i'm working as a crew). rest assure is not those hard rock that will make u bomb some building, but throughout the whole musical it hav a huge variety of different kinds of rock music. and julian is conducting! if u watching chicago too, u sure dun wana miss this show!~
i still hav 20% discount coupons, not much. so if u interested jus msg me. i try to reply u asap! i will reco u buy stall seats, or if u no $$ circle one seats should b fine.
for more info on ticketing, visit LiaoZhai@Facebook, TheTheatrePractice, ohmy blog or Sistic. Preview and Reviews @
Josh Duhamel Cheated On Fergie With Exotic Dancer, Stripper Claims!
Filed under: Love Line > Fergie > Josh DuhamelAccording to the National Enquirer, Josh Duhamel cheated on his wife Fergie with an exotic dancer.
While in Georgia filming Life As We Know It, the Transformers star walked into Tattletales Lounge with a friend.
The name of that club couldn't be more fitting!!!!
That was where he reportedly met Nicole Forrester, who performs under the name Delilah. She claims that Duhamel referred to himself as “JD” and told her that he was in town to make a porn movie.
Ewwww! So tacky!
“I told him, ‘You are gorgeous’ and he said, ‘’You’re hot, too,” claims the stripper.
While they both downed Grey Goose, Josh asked for a nude dance for him and a friend.
And it seems that the party continued a few days later when the actor called and invited her to his $820-a night room at the St. Regis hotel.
Forrester claims they had sex and the Enquirer insists that she passed an extensive polygraph test, yet Josh vehemently denies the story.
i tried to paste a picture of the stripper, but blogger is being irritating.
the main reason i posted this is to remind the girls not to be too taken by josh duhamel when you see him on the big screen tomorrow!! looks arent everything!!! he is a frigging cheater just because he thinks he is good looking.
just sayin'.
haha! bye!!

i know all the NS guys are working their butts off in NS and don't have the time to even come to this blog no more, so this post isn't for them. it's for the girls working their brains out to write personal essays and CVs, to prepare themselves for interviews in front of a panel of judges (and you thought simon cowell was tough!), all that just to get (a scholarship to land ourselves) into college.
The speech by Oracle CEO to yale graduates:
"Graduates of Yale University, I apologize if you have endured this type of prologue before, but I want you to do something for me. Please, take a good look around you. Look at the classmate on your left. Look at the classmate on your right. Now, consider this: five years from now, 10 years from now, even 30 thirty years from now, odds are the person on your left is going to be a loser. The person on your right, meanwhile, will also be a loser. And you, in the middle? What can you expect? Loser. Loserhood. Loser Cum Laude.
"In fact, as I look out before me today, I don't see a thousand hopes for a bright tomorrow. I don't see a thousand future leaders in a thousand industries. I see a thousand losers.
"You're upset. That's understandable. After all, how can I, Lawrence 'Larry' Ellison, college dropout, have the audacity to spout such heresy to the graduating class of one of the nation's most prestigious institutions? I'll tell you why. Because I, Lawrence "Larry" Ellison, second richest man on the planet, am a college dropout, and you are not.
"Because Bill Gates, richest man on the planet -- for now, anyway -- is a college dropout, and you are not.
"Because Paul Allen, the third richest man on the planet, dropped out of college, and you did not.
"And for good measure, because Michael Dell, No. 9 on the list and moving up fast, is a college dropout, and you, yet again, are not.
"Hmm... you're very upset. That's understandable. So let me stroke your egos for a moment by pointing out, quite sincerely, that your diplomas were not attained in vain. Most of you, I imagine, have spent four to five years here, and in many ways what you've learned and endured will serve you well in the years ahead. You've established good work habits. You've established a network of people that will help you down the road. And you've established what will be lifelong relationships with the word 'therapy.' All that of is good. For in truth, you will need that network. You will need those strong work habits. You will need that therapy.
"You will need them because you didn't drop out, and so you will never be among the richest people in the world. Oh sure, you may, perhaps, work your way up to No. 10 or No. 11, like Steve Ballmer. But then, I don't have to tell you who he really works for, do I? And for the record, he dropped out of grad school. Bit of a late bloomer.
"Finally, I realize that many of you, and hopefully by now most of you, are wondering, 'Is there anything I can do? Is there any hope for me at all?' Actually, no. It's too late. You've absorbed too much, think you know too much. You're not 19 anymore. You have a built-in cap, and I'm not referring to the mortar boards on your heads.
"Hmm... you're really very upset. That's understandable. So perhaps this would be a good time to bring up the silver lining. Not for you, Class of '00. You are a write-off, so I'll let you slink off to your pathetic $200,000-a-year jobs, where your checks will be signed by former classmates who dropped out two years ago.
"Instead, I want to give hope to any underclassmen here today. I say to you, and I can't stress this enough: leave. Pack your things and your ideas and don't come back. Drop out. Start up.
"For I can tell you that a cap and gown will keep you down just as suredly as these security guards dragging me off this stage are keeping me dow..."
so you sure you still wanna get into college?
nah im kidding, haha i wish all the best to you guys, to us! good luck with all the interviews and personal essays and stuff! im still stuck at mine \: i never knew applications all that could be so costly! well, they say it's a worthy investment for your future i guess.
but all along i thought studying and tackling 'A' levels were the hard part D:
oh hey anyway guys! since the NS guys are gonna get block leave soon (yiyi says his is after POP which is 9th april - and then they'll get 10 days block leave), eileen will be back from UK tour (so she'll probably have a lot of goodies for us to shaaareee! :D) and guanyu and elson have not enlisted yet, so we should have a class outing? :D

IT'S FROM XUHAO'S BLOG! HAHA WAHLAOO i never knew ): hahah anyway does anyone have an account to comment? it took me SO LONG to realise that you can only comment if you have an account. chinese is so hard! >(
dear o7s6B,
i just want to congratulate all those who did well for the A-levels, and remind all those who didn't get their A's that if you showed significant improvement (e.g. if you were getting U or S all the way until the prelims), you should be happy and proud of your achievements.
For some of you who got unexpected B's or C's, just remember this.
In the end, it doesn't really matter.
So you encounter a minor setback. So you have to readjust your plans for further studies. I believe everyone in our class got good enough results to enter the university, and probably even the course of your choice.
If you've worked steadily and hard, but still ended up with a B (e.g. in Physics). Don't be too disappointed. Both you and I know that you are no less deserving of an A as much as the other 6 in 10 students who got the A. For such situations you know i will readily vouch for you in a recommendation.
For those of you who think... KNOW, you could have done better, had you started to work earlier. Remember and learn from this lesson. Don't make the same mistake in the army/university.
Advise your juniors too, lest they experience the same regret that you do now. In hindsight everything is 20/20.
For those who wonder why i chose to give you your result slip face down, and mostly did not say congratulations, it was because i wanted to give you the right to discover your own results under your own circumstances.
Some of your chose to share your delight/happiness/satisfaction/gratitude with me, in which case i congratulated you.
Some of you chose to share your disappointment/sorrow/regret with me. In which case I may have sympathized with you, but congratulated and reminded you that it was it was not the B you should be disappointed in but perhaps the 3 A's you should be proud of.
Or i may have pointed out that your C was a 4 grade improvement from a U.
Results that would have made a student proud in any other school often do not in this school, because we have been too conditioned to believe that everyone gets 4 A's. It is a unique flaw with a school that celebrates it's outstanding results and gives the impression that anything less is unacceptable.
By now all the happiness/sadness would have subsided. Results would probably have been put in perspective.
Once again,
To those who did well, congratualtions.
To those who did well but maybe not all A's and are/were disappointed, take heart and be proud of the A's that you did obtain.
To those who know you could have done better, well... just be more proactive the next time opportunity comes knocking, in whatever form.
The A-levels may be a culmination of 2/6 years (for IP) of study, but you still have much ahead of you.
Whatever the case... Life.Goes.On.
mr R
i agree with it very much and i would like everyone to know that too (: love you guys! (HAHAHA)
so anyway HEY our thanking teachers session has been pushed back to friday instead because BEING THE SMART ALECKS WE ARE WE NEVER GO AND CHECK FIRST BEFORE GOING TO SCHOOL AND WHO KNEW WE SO TYCO TYCO PICKED THE DAY THEY HAD HOLIDAY BECAUSE OF RESULTS! ): yeah all my idea somemore hahah im a genius! :D
anyway haha yuppp anyone else other than fong eileen irene and i can go?
OHOH btw hahahha, after going to eileen's house, i think we should show each other's childhood photos/videos off! SO INTERESTINGGGGG HAHAHHA i would gladly show off my childhood pictures (like kindergarten that period and younger, any older and suddenly i become so ugly rawr haha) and HAHAH I TOTALLY LOOK LIKE A GUY! (if it's not for the fact that im wearing a dress/skirt oO) i want class outing(s) hahah we should go around everyone's house and see each other's photos! HAHAHA guanyu's one he looked like a girl! :D a very pretty girl too in fact heh :P
anyone wanna invite me to your house to see? :D HAHAHAH
and oh btw Nanyang concert band is having a concert on the 17th of may, im playing alumni! :D with quite a few nanyang girls too that im sure you all will know. PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT US THANK YOU VERY MUCH :D
Ever considered studying for a UK qualification? Here is an opportunity for you to meet representatives from UK Institutions and Singapore institutions offering a buffet of UK programmes at our Education Fair.
Date: Saturday, 13 March 2010
Time: 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Venue: Hilton Hotel, 581, Orchard Road, Singapore 238883
More details will be available from
for australia i don't know, but if anyone knows please tell! i also wanna go \:
anyway guanyu and i were wondering if we should do anything as a class to thank the teachers for helping us out through the 2 years? he suggested like giving the teachers a dinner treat as a class. but it'll be hard to find a date everyone can come, including teachers. AND idk but haha i don't think the teachers would be very keen on coming? but okay maybe that's just me.
im planning to just like maybe go back to school tmr and thank the teachers personally (plus get some teachers to write recommendation for me HEH) anyone keen on coming? like maybe during lunch hours ah, then we can go for lunch first then err see teachers heh)
YES i do realise that this means only people who aren't working. so that's kinda like me, irene, eileen? HAHAHA :P